
Cruciferous plants of the order Brassicales are the largest natural source of the class of the glucosinolate class of compounds. The sulfur and nitrogen containing compounds are derived from a glucose and amino acid. The reference standards are highly water-soluble compounds that require appropriate methods for HPLC analysis.

The interaction of the compounds with myrosinase during maceration of the plant material results in their biological activation. The enzymatic reaction results in the formation of isothiocyanates. Among their wide range of biological activity, the anti-cancerous properties are a major focus of study for the isothiocyanates.

High doses of glucosinolates in livestock may result in moderate toxicity, as observed in some studies. The toxicity of glucosinolates is likely a result of their behavior as goitrogen and anti-thyroid agents.

Planta Analytica has one of the largest collections of high purity glucosinolate reference standards.

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